Okay, FINALLY getting back into the swing of posting wedding deets...
Friday evening Welcome Reception - everyone who had managed to make it up the mountain the evening prior to the wedding was invited to join us on Friday evening and get to know their future family and fellow party guests before the main event. If it hadn't already begun feeling completely real at the rehearsal earlier in the day, this is when it actually finally clicked... to look around and see all of these familiar faces from various points of our lives intermingling in one room was really heartwarming. The Lilleys getting to know the Speros. My Aunt Carole chatting with Dave's mom, Leslie. Anna Banana (all the way from Germany) yucking it up with the Bruins (all the way from Holland) and toasting with my childhood friends (all the way from Nipomo), as if they'd all known each other for years. My heart was overwhelmingly full

It was such a fun evening and I'm so very grateful so many people made the trip to be with us. I vaguely understood the idea of such a gathering beforehand, but it was especially touching to experience. Having all of my loved ones together in one spot made me even more excited for the following day. We are so very rich with family and friends, and I am truly grateful. Friday evening was a blast - I think the pictures speak for themselves!
We're getting married tomorrow...
You two make me happy. Love Mom/Jeanne