It's been a sad past two months on the reading front. Stuff came up. I was tired. I got lazy. Blah blah blah. In January I was done with my four requisite reads early on in the month, and sadly I'm now way behind. Will try to get back on track next month. Plenty of time to get caught up!
The Thirteenth Tale - can't remember where I originally heard about this book, but I ordered a used copy online and polished it off in just a few days. Eerie, magical, a book about books, a twisty story within an even twistier story. Good stuff.
Anne of Green Gables - an old favorite, which always makes me think of Miss Kristen Tuculet, an enchanting little Anne Shirley in her very own way. Now I'm really yearning to go back and re-watch the movie as well.
Charlotte's Web (read aloud to Graham during bedtime the past two months) - forgot both how personable the characters are in this story as well as how terribly sad it is at the end. Ups and downs, life goes on. Content aside, it's such a nice treat when both of us are home at bedtime to be able to read a chapter or two while G has his evening bottle.

Cross your fingers for better reading vibes next month!