Got to see so many relatives the week prior to Thanksiving and the week after, we are feeling especially grateful for our sweet family members that make up this crazy pack. We appreciate all that all of you do to help raise this kooky kid, from babysitting to daily FaceTime chats that light G up with smiles to the warmest of hugs when you visit. This kid is so lucky to have such a loving village. Thank you. We love you.

We spent actual Thanksgiving Day up in Cazenovia at Dave's dad's house. We watched cheesy holiday movies, ate until our bellies were about to burst, and lazed about for three days while Graham ran laps around the yard. Seriously. He loved Grampa Chris' backyard SO MUCH he hardly spent any time indoors the entire weekend. He would wake up each morning, walk immediately over to the sliding glass door that faced out back, press his face up against the glass and stare longingly at the grass until someone would take him outside. The weather ended up being absolutely lovely throughout our whole visit, so we were easily able to log a lot of outside time, much to Graham's delight.