Our little man has started cruising like a champ! He can maneuver his way along the outside of our coffee table, transferring to footstool or armchair (if they are near enough), and even bends down to seat himself when he gets tired of standing up. No longer is an accidental PLOP the only way to get down.
Current favorite item of interest: dad's tennis racquet.
Current least favorite item: the new baby gate separating his room from the living room.
This little New Yorker had quite a busy weekend!
He sported a new outfit from Grandma Laurie while watching dad play tennis in Central Park,
stuck his toesies in every fountain from the Hudson to the East River,
played with some
new blocks sent by his Aunt Ellen
(originally crafted by his
middle-namesake, Grandpa David Oliver),

and enjoyed the heck out of his brand new beanbag from Jamma and Grandad Kris.
He likes to body slam it and then fall down in a fit of giggles. Will try to get it on video. Hysterical.
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