Monday, November 4, 2013

The Queens Farm

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Last weekend some friends invited us to go on an adventure to Queens Farm which is not the farm of a queen (sadly), but a farm in Queens (shocker!).  This invite was extended by not just ANY friends, but our awesome next door neighbors and parents of adorable Elliot, who will be stealing the ringbearer show at our wedding.
You heard it here first, folks, this kid can high five like no other.


We rented a car, crammed ourselves into it
(boys in the front, girls + baby in the back!)
and set off for Queens.

Elliot isn't the biiiiiggest fan of car rides
(such a city kid!), but Auntie Meg
managed to keep entertained.

Finally all those years of memorizing
Babysitters Club books paid off.


The Farm is also a museum, with daily field tours and cute labels on all the crops so amateurs can tell them apart (Dad, you could run this place with your eyes closed). There's a 3 acre corn maze, tractor pulled hay rides, a pumpkin patch, mini pig races, pony rides, fair food trucks and the grandfather of all petting zoos!

The pony pen was a little depressing,

so we headed for the food.

Equally depressing but much more KNOW I'm a fan of fair food. 


We also tried these things called Mozzarepas, which were slabs of mozzarella sandwiched in between cornbread slices. Judging from the way Elliot hovered those babies, I'd say they were pretty tasty.


A coffee for DVC (natch!), before we head for the pumpkin patch! (Sorry.)


After lunch, Elliot finally got to check out the petting zoo.


Everyone loves the petting zoo!!


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