Sunday, August 24, 2014

Baby Shower

My dear friends Andrea and Kady threw the sweetest baby shower while I was home in Nipomo!


Andrea and her husband just recently purchased a new house in Nipomo, quite close to my parents, and the afternoon soiree was held in her brand new backyard. Uber creative Kady, who used to design the floor and window displays at Anthropologie, handled décor so naturally it was classic and gorgeous (just like her).


My sweet cousins made the trek up from LA and out to the coast from Fresno for the weekend.

It was so fun to have members from both sides of the family all hanging out together. 

Little Tanner was helpful with opening Baby C's thoughtful cards and beautiful gifts. And my friend Cheyann, whom I've known since junior high school, was the surprise talent of the day - she handmade the soft orange blanket below (satin edges!) and crocheted an adorable pair of teeny, tiny white booties.


The Dunn's passed along the tradition of dress-up and make-believe, gifting us a favorite Halloween costume from several years back - a Chewbacca suit Hayley sported at two years old when big brother was Luke.

And it wouldn't be a party without a sneaky selfie from baby sister, now would it?

It was a beautiful afternoon and I was riddled with emotion. Thank you so much to the wonderful women in my life for all of your encouragement and guidance. It's been a bit strange to go through this pregnancy mostly isolated (at least physically) from my family and friends back in California. This familial, touching weekend was a much-needed time for me. I so very much appreciate you all coming to share in this fun day, as well as the care and support you've constantly shown through letters, texts and email. I love you ladies dearly.

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