Monday, December 29, 2014

7 Weeks Old

The varied expressions of Graham Oliver continue to enchant as we finish up his seventh week of life!  His happiest time of day is first thing in the morning - 7am to 9am is regularly filled with coos, smiles, attempts at conversation and vigorous kicking.  He is even enjoying tummy time more the stronger he gets.

Graham's facial features are developing rapidly. He looks like a different baby than he did just a week ago!

His lungs are also getting more powerful. Though he's happy most of the day and (luckily) doesn't wail too often, he sure can belt it out when he decides he's really pissed - boy oh boy does this kid hate being burped!

Parenthood is getting more fun the more we get to know this curious little creature.  By now we've learned his noises fairly well and can usually tell whether a grunt signals hunger or the need for a change of drawers. And it is amazing to see him perk up at the sound of our voices or light up when we come into view.  My heart melts so often it's a wonder there's anything left!


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