Saturday, December 20, 2014


We made it!!! Boy did I luck out with this kid. He was such a perfect angel. Slept almost the entire time, with quick wake ups for food and bathroom trips. I won't gush about it too much, because I don't want to jinx the trip home, but he really couldn't have been any better. Lucky, lucky mama. 

Grandad was there to pick us up at the airport and we briefly stopped by Wasserman to see some work peeps before heading north. LA to Nipomo = Graham's longest car ride by far! Two blowout diapers along the way, but I was just thankful they happened when we were on solid ground. Much easier to deal with. 

Being in Nipomo has been super fun so far. Several dear friends have already visited and there are so many loving arms willing to cuddle G or change a dirty diap.  This little dude has such an awesome village.  

Dave flew in on Thursday and we spent a few days in Los Angeles visiting old friends, then drove up to the central coast this morning. Tomorrow we are having a Meet & Greet Graham open house party and I'm looking forward to introducing this little nugget to more of our dear family and friends!

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