Another week older, a new set of skills. Rolling with ease from front to back, back to front, right to left, left to right, from the blanket onto the rug onto the hardwood! Boy is this kid wiggly. Not quite crawling yet, but trying out new moves every day and certainly getting more mobile as he shimmies himself around to explore every inch of his play space and try to figure out how to coordinate the crawling motions.

Got together with our friend Frasier and his mom Andrea at the park this week. Frasier is just a week older than G, we met him and his mom back in December at a breastfeeding class. She and I have stayed friends and she recently started an informal music class at the park, which is super fun though half the time we end up just chatting and letting the babies play. This week, Frasier really wanted to touch Graham, kept reaching for him and swatting at him. Meanwhile G just wanted the ball. Babies be babies.

Bath is still our favorite time of day. This kid would soak until his toes wrinkled right off if we let him.
and he can rotate his wrists to look at stuff!! Don't forget that!!