Made the big move 14 blocks south on Saturday! Movers showed up at 8:59am and we were actually pretty ready for them, though of course when they start carting away your stuff it seems like more stuff suddenly sprouts in it's place. Had several "where the heck did that come from?!" moments, where we chucked things into garbage bags at the last minute. Overall things went pretty smoothly though.
Graham O was a little worried about being left behind.

But how could we forget this little monkey?

By 2pm we were surrounded by piles of our things in the new place and the movers were headed out the door. Let the sorting, organizing and reorganizing begin! We got quite a bit put away that first afternoon, first projects being Graham's room and our bed. Everything else was able to wait until Sunday morning.
Artwork still all stacked against the wall, will hang things next weekend since it takes some planning.
Favorite things so far about our new place:
- it's insanely quiet, there is zero street traffic noise, which for NYC is really odd
- there's an instant boiling water spout attached to the sink, no more having to wait for tea or coffee or anything requiring hot water! (Dave assures me these are pretty common, but I've never seen one and find it amazing. Currently sipping my 16th cup of tea today.)
- the terrace is large enough to fit a table and chairs and looks out on a beautiful old school; cannot wait for weather warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the gorgeous cityscape view!

Picnic dinner the first night - sampled the a pie from the pizza place across the street.
Super good, Gotham received the DVC stamp of approval.

Your new place looks amazing!! I can't wait to see you guys!! Congrats!