First event up on the whirlwind weekend at home: Andrea's baby shower sprinkle!
I was so happy to be at home for this and get the chance to catch up with dear friends.
Stephenson women ROCKED the party games, natch.
Mom won the nursery rhyme quiz and I won string around the belly (underestimating never hurts!).
Miss Wendy, was so well behaved!
Could not be torn away from her Little Mermaid video, girl after my own heart!
Always helping Mommy. Can't wait 'til this little one walks in our wedding in January!
Just a few more weeks until we get to meet the newest member of the Wagner clan!
I apparently didn't get the "blue for boy" memo. Whoops.
Now on to the next event!
Old friends, now beautiful women. Always a pleasure to see them. And darling babies. Love you all, Jeanne/Mom