Second tooth has arrived! And boy was it a rough landing. Saturday evening Graham slept a total of about 10 minutes the entire night, he was just miserable. And misery loves company, so we were all up! The family that teethes together, stays together? Or something. Anyway, he's now got two razor sharp little chompers front and center, and we all lived to tell the tale.

Slowly learning to hold the bottle on his own. It's still a little heavy, but he's very proud.

Continuing in the tradition of favorite toys being anything that's either free or trash, his current obsession is a cup of pens that sits in the center of our the table. Wish you could see how far from the pens he's actually sitting in this shot - they're a good 3 feet behind him, but you can't really tell from the angle. He is absolutely determined to grab ahold of them though.

Look out, Hamptons. We're coming for you.

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