Sunday, December 22, 2013


Mom surprised us with tickets to Mary Poppins at the PCPA,
a local theater where we used to go see a show each Christmas when we were little.

Anybody want anything from the baaaar??? Pre-ordering intermission snacks is the only way to go.
And don't act like you wouldn't love a Christmas cowboy hat of your own.

Ready for some step in time! We're planning to see "Saving Mr. Banks" this week once the whole fam damily rolls into town, so it was fun to get this little refresher course beforehand. The play focuses a lot more on the upbringing of Mr. Banks than the movie did, which I think is what the new movie is about, so it was quite fitting.

The set design was incredible. Each of the pieces did dual duty and spun like crazy.
Thanks for the fun outing, Mom. Practically perfect, in every way!

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